12/19 Steel Domain Wrestling results: Nick Bockwinkel tribute with Mick Karch, Eddie Sharkey, Ji


Steel Domain Wrestling
Richfield, Minnesota at the American Legion
Report by Dot Net Member HiSpot

A crowd of only about 100 this time.

The show opened with a tribute and 10 bell salute to Nick Bockwinkel. Mick Karch, Eddie Sharkey, Jim Brunzell, Kenny Jay, and Ken Resnick all took part in the ceremony.

1. Northern State’s Champion Ryan Slade with Tatiana cut a promo, which was interrupted by the Golden Idol and his Temple of Terror.

2. “Golden Boy” Rick McCarthy pinned Josh Callisto with the backslide and had his feet illegally on the middle ropes.

3. Devin Coliss defeated Justin Dusek after a swanton off the top rope.

4. Chadwick Wentworth III pinned Craven Knyte after outside interference by Rick McCarthy.


5. Darin Corbin (w/The Golden Idol) beat ‘Big’ Mitch Paradise via count-out.

6. Tommy Lee Curtis pinned Travis Cole after a sling-shot snap suplex.

7. Ryan Slade (w/Tatiana) defeated AJ Smooth (w/the Golden Idol) to successfully defend his Northern States Championship. Smooth won the initial decision by pinball, but promoter Ed Hellier ordered the match restarted because of outside interference by Idol, Darin Corbin, and Chadwick Wentworth III. Slade pinned Smooth after the re-start with a small package.

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