Paul Molitor, a renowned baseball player hailing from Minnesota, holds an estimated net worth of $1.2 million in 2024. Known for his exceptional skills and contribution to the sport, Molitor has made a significant impact in the world of baseball. Born and bred in Minnesota, Molitor achieved numerous accolades throughout his career, including being inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame. As a well-respected figure in the sport, Molitor's net worth is a testament to his success and the recognition he has garnered over the years.
Hall of Fame infielder and 7-time MLB All-Star who retired with a career batting average of .306. He spent the first 15 years of his career with the Milwaukee Brewers, then spent three years apiece with the Toronto Blue Jays and Minnesota Twins.
He was selected in the twenty-eighth round of the 1974 MLB Draft as a pitcher.
For almost half of his career games he was used as a designated hitter.
Married Linda Molitor, with whom he had one child.
His thirty-nine-game hitting streak fell just short of the longest post-World War II hitting streak, which was set by Pete Rose.