Sure, the grass is always greener and all that, but having big boobs isn't all it's cracked up to be—just ask Sofia Vergara. The actress, who has a size 32 F bust, tells Vanity Fair that being so well-endowed can be a real pain: "My boobs are, like, huge," she says. "My whole life, buying a bra was a nightmare. What I used to do when I moved to L.A., I found places like Frederick's of Hollywood that make bras for [strippers]."
Plus, she knows first-hand that an ample bosom can really limit a lady's wardrobe options. The actress tells Vanity Fair that the fact that she has a signature silhouette when it comes to her red carpet looks isn't a coincidence. "Sometimes you read in the press like, 'Oh, Sofía is wearing again the same shape dress,' and I want to answer them and say, 'What the fuck do you want me to wear?' Obviously there's a reason why that's what I go for."
Also problematic: She isn't immune to gravity, which means she too falls victim to that whole my-boobs-don't-look-the-same-or-stay-upright-or-really-do-anything-right-when-I'm-lying-down thing. "Believe me, I wish I had fake boobs. I lay down and they completely go down, like all the way, like here [Ed note: we're picturing a dramatic gesture that inspires powerful feelings of solidarity]," she explains. "It's not fun." You said it, sister.
Hellin Kay
Apparently in the sharing mood, Vergara also told the mag how she and man-hunk-turned-boyfriend-turned-fiancé Joe Manganiello got together: "The day that I sent the press release [announcing the breakup with a different fiancé, Nick Loeb], Joe immediately contacted Jesse Tyler Ferguson [Modern Family's Mitchell Pritchett], like, 'Please, please, please tell her I want her number.' And I'm like,' Jesse, no, he's too handsome,'" Vergara explains. WHAT? "Then, after two days of Jesse trying to convince me, I'm like, 'Okay, give him my number.' I'm thinking, I'm in New Orleans shooting, and he's in L.A. Nothing's going to happen. But we started talking a lot, and then he showed up in New Orleans. Since then we've been inseparable." So, er, got any other handsome friends you'd like to convince us to date, Jesse?