A self-proclaimed prophet, Taylor Helzer, convinced his brother Justin and his brother's girlfriend Dawn Godman that they needed to help him achieve his goals. Taylor called their newly-formed group "Children of Thunder."
As reported by Murderpedia, Taylor's plan included adopting and training orphans from Brazil to assassinate 15 leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in an effort to pave the way for him to take their place. He also required money to carry out his nefarious plan. Taylor's scheme included extorting his former clients, Ivan and Annette Stineman, for $100,000. Although the couple gave him the money, he and Justin brutally killed the elderly couple. They then dismembered their bodies and packed them into duffle bags, which they eventually dumped in the river.
Murderpedia reports Taylor then befriended Selina Bishop, the daughter of blues musician Elvin Bishop, in the hopes that she could help him cash the checks written by the Stinemans. Although she was able to get them the money, Taylor and Justin killed Selina so she would not be able to implicate them in the crimes. They also killed Jim Gamble and Jenny Villarin, as Selina introduced Taylor to them, and they may have been able to identify him. Although she did not commit any of the murders, Dawn Godman was present, helped clean up, and drove the getaway car away from at least one of the scenes.