Todd Helton, a renowned baseball player hailing from Tennessee, is expected to have a net worth of $65 million by the year 2024. Having made a name for himself as one of the most successful athletes in the sport, Helton's career in baseball has undoubtedly contributed to his remarkable wealth. Throughout his time playing in the Major League Baseball (MLB), primarily as a first baseman for the Colorado Rockies, Helton achieved immense success and earned several accolades. His remarkable achievements, along with numerous endorsements and business ventures, have solidified his position as one of the most financially prosperous baseball players of his time.
5-time MLB All-Star first baseman for the Colorado Rockies who won the National League batting title in 2000.
He was the second string quarterback at Tennessee, while the great Peyton Manning was third string.
He set Colorado Rockies franchise records in home runs (369) and hits (2,519).
He married Christy Bollman and he has two daughters, Tierney and Gentry.
He played alongside Larry Walker on the Colorado Rockies.