Art Term: Placement Quote: “Placement is placing objects that you want to appear closer to your eye lower on the surface of your drawing (and placing objects that you want to appear further away higher on the surface of your drawing).” Mark Kistler, American TV artist / instructor.Click to see full answer. Subsequently, one may also ask, how does art make space?The Uses of Space. There are six ways an artist can create the illusion of space on a 2-Dimensional surface. Overlapping – occurs when objects that are closer to the viewer prevent the view of objects that are behind them. Placement on the paper – Objects placed higher within the picture plane will appear further away.Furthermore, what are the 7 different forms of art? The seven types of art forms are : Painting. Sculpture. Music. Poetry. Dance. Architecture. Social sculpture. Also asked, what are the types of space in art? Space includes the background, foreground and middle ground, and refers to the distances or area(s) around, between, and within things. There are two kinds of space: negative space and positive space. Negative space is the area in between, around, through or within an object.How is space important to art? Using Space in Art It is a fundamental element in each of the visual arts. Space gives the viewer a reference for interpreting an artwork. For instance, you may draw one object larger than another to imply that it is closer to the viewer.